
Paul Auster

The 2013 Gezi Park Protests in Istanbul

"Global Protests Through Art", by Işıl Eğrikavuk

New Book

Radio Trio


Morphin Raum

#reas @lola_arias_works @taz.die_tageszeitung @berlinale : 20.02 19:00 CineStar Cubix 7 und 23.02 19:00 Zoo Palast 2

@monde_diplo @taz.die_tageszeitung @stellaassange #charlesglass

“The Lives of Documents - A recent exhibition considers how publications can confirm and inflect the creative process.”

XMAS BOOK MARKET // 17.12. / 14-20:00 / Lindenstr. 91 / @eeclectic_publishing 🎉 📚✨🤩

Glühwein & Bücher

#isagenzken #rose

Kurzer Zwischenstopp in Wuppertal und Gelegenheit das Symbiosen Projekt von Raul Walch und raumlaborberlin am Pina Bausch Zentrum zu besuchen.

HEUTE 20.09. 18:00 in #Wuppertal @raumlaborberlin @pinabauschzentrum #FragileFestival @raulwalch

Have a look and explore the new @nyreviewofarch webpage by - congratulations - check out the subscription options to receive your personal copy six times a year!

#hanschristianströbele #taz @taz.die_tageszeitung @sontheimermichael

„Bottroper Protokolle“ #erikarunge @suhrkampverlag #dokumentationsliteratur #interviewsammlung #dokumentationsfilm - tolle Entdeckung auf dem Büchermarkt in der Paulskirche in #wuppertal

Great reading pleasure with more texts about „Barbie“ @barbiethemovie and beyond - just discovered this one by @pitobianchi from August 3 published by @e_flux Notes . . .

Highly recommended to read and watch or the other way round! @londonreviewofbooks @barbiethemovie

@realrvw @realfdn excellent new issue #14 The agenda is well defined: „We now understand that Real Review is a magazine recording the terminal period of capitalist modernity.“

Yeah!!! @nyreviewofarch arrived just in time for summer vacation . . . small personal ritual before reading is by arrival going straight to „PUBLISHERS NOTED“ by Nicolas Kemper

@neuenationalgalerie #isagenzken #rose

ncredible work yesterday evening by @maksy_taxi @eyal_weizman @forensicarchitecture embedded in an impressive performative analysis @berlinerfestspiele

About to explore new projects with @juliangalay . . .

Must read critical reflection and review by @gkafka to navigate and explore what he perfectly summarizes as: „This exhibition is still an unwieldy leviathan, but Lokko’s “Laboratory of the Future” makes a clear case for its ongoing relevance.“ @e_flux

@lechona77 Paulo Licona #paulolicona #bogota #colombia 🇨🇴

Nan Goldin

New York Review of Architecture

The Technate

Arts of the working class

Fuß in der Tür #16

Listening to the city

Peter Weibel


Zvi Hecker: Entwürfe für die Berliner Mitte / Ausstellung Donnerstag, 24. November 2022, 18 Uhr / Mitte Museum

Zvi Hecker in conversation with Eyal Weizman - moderation by Heimo Lattner

Pages Of An Open Book - Zvi Hecker / 04.11.2022 – 31.12.2022 - Die Möglichkeit einer Insel

Ende offen – Das Buch der gescheiterten Kunstwerke


„Am Rand von Europa City“ Heft 9

Cultures of Assembly

In Kassel

Geert Lovink

The European Review of Books


Dexter Sinister YKSIHW KCALB / June 21 – December 16, 2022

Spaziergang 05

Spaziergang 01 und 02


Book People Places @ Mitkunstzentrale

"Lütten Klein" Buchpräsentation mit Steffen Mau

Gespräch und Buchprsäsentation